
Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Teaching Staff



Alonso Cáceres, Diego

Alonso Cáceres, Diego

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Asorey Cacheda, Rafael

Asorey Cacheda, Rafael

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


DATA NETWORKS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF TELEMATICS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
TELEMATICS FOUNDATIONS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Beltrán Martínez, María Victoria

Beltrán Martínez, María Victoria

Electronics, Computer Technology and Projects

Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadores y Proyectos


INFRASTRUCTURE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Wednesday - 09:00 / 15:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 2

Bueso Sánchez, María Del Carmen

Bueso Sánchez, María Del Carmen

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística


MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Monday - 10:00 / 12:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B015
Thursday - 09:00 / 13:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B015 Será necesario contactar previamente con la profesora para concertar una tutoría.

Cañete Rebenaque, David

Cañete Rebenaque, David

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


TRANSMISSION TECHNIQUES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
PHOTONIC TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Monday - 09:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 29 Concertar previamente por mail
Monday - 17:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 29 Concertar previamente por mail

Cánovas Peña, José Salvador

Cánovas Peña, José Salvador

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística


CALCULUS II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Wednesday - 09:15 / 11:15 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B012
Thursday - 09:15 / 11:15 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B012
Friday - 09:15 / 11:15 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B012

Díaz Morcillo, Alejandro Benedicto

Díaz Morcillo, Alejandro Benedicto

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


CIRCUIT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
LINEAR SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
LINEAR SYSTEM Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

García García, Laura

García García, Laura

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


NETWORK CONVERGENCE Master's degree in Telematic Engineering
DIGITAL CONTENTS LAB Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF TELEMATICS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
CONVERGING NETWORKS Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering
TELEMATICS FOUNDATIONS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

García Sánchez, Antonio Javier

García Sánchez, Antonio Javier

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


DATA NETWORKS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
NETWORK CONVERGENCE Master's degree in Telematic Engineering
DIGITAL CONTENTS LAB Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
CONVERGING NETWORKS Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Office Hours

Monday - 10:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office Despacho 19
Wednesday - 16:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office Despacho 19

Garrigós Guerrero, Francisco Javier

Garrigós Guerrero, Francisco Javier

Electronics, Computer Technology and Projects

Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadores y Proyectos


COMMUNICATION HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
PLATAFORMAS PARA CÁLCULO CIENTÍFICO Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering
PARALLEL DATA PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DESIGN Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Office Hours

Monday - 11:00 / 14:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office Despacho 9
Thursday - 11:00 / 14:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office Despacho 9

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering
TRANSMISSION TECHNIQUES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
MACHINE LEARNING II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
LINEAR SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
LINEAR SYSTEM Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Lozano Guerrero, Antonio José

Lozano Guerrero, Antonio José

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


TRANSMISSION TECHNIQUES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
MACHINE LEARNING II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Wednesday - 16:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 27 Concertar cita previa por email.
Thursday - 09:00 / 12:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 27 Concertar cita previa mediante email.

Manzanares López, Pilar

Manzanares López, Pilar

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


DATA NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK AND SERVICES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
SWITCHING Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK AND SERVICES Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
SWITCHING Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
ADMINISTRATION OF CORPORATE SYSTEMS AND SERVICES Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Office Hours

Wednesday - 10:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 33
Friday - 10:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office 33

Martínez Forte, Isaac

Martínez Forte, Isaac

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


PROGRAMMING FOR DATA SCIENCE Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ALGORITHMS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DATABASE II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Wednesday - 17:30 / 18:30 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 28

Melcón Álvarez, Alejandro

Melcón Álvarez, Alejandro

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


DATA VISUALISATION Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
MICROWAVE Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Thursday - 16:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office No. 04
Friday - 10:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office No. 04

Molina Legaz, Roque

Molina Legaz, Roque

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística


OPTIMISATION I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Tuesday - 16:00 / 18:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 3, Office 3060 Las tutorías serán presenciales y/o online. Siempre hay que solicitar cita previa por email (roque.molina@upct.es). Durante todo el curso se atenderán tutorías individualizadas por email (especialmente para resolver dudas puntuales).
Wednesday - 16:00 / 18:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 3, Office 3060 Las tutorías serán presenciales y/o online. Siempre hay que solicitar cita previa por email (roque.molina@upct.es). Durante todo el curso se atenderán tutorías individualizadas por email (especialmente para resolver dudas puntuales).
Thursday - 16:00 / 18:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 3, Office 3060 Las tutorías serán presenciales y/o online. Siempre hay que solicitar cita previa por email (roque.molina@upct.es). Durante todo el curso se atenderán tutorías individualizadas por email (especialmente para resolver dudas puntuales).

Morales Sánchez, Juan

Morales Sánchez, Juan

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


IMAGE PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DEEP LEARNING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
ACOUSTIC SIGNALS AND IMAGES PROCESSING Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Muñoz Gea, Juan Pedro

Muñoz Gea, Juan Pedro

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones

juanp.gea@upct.es 968338893


DATA NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK AND SERVICES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
SWITCHING Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
VIRTUALIZATION Master's degree in Telematic Engineering
TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK AND SERVICES Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
SWITCHING Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Tuesday - 09:00 / 12:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 40
Tuesday - 17:30 / 18:30 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 40
Wednesday - 15:30 / 17:30 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 40

Muñoz Guillermo, María

Muñoz Guillermo, María

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística

maria.mg@upct.es 968338851


CALCULUS I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Pascual García, Juan

Pascual García, Juan

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
MACHINE LEARNING I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Pastor Franco, Juan Ángel

Pastor Franco, Juan Ángel

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


PROGRAMMING FOR TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
WRITTEN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Pereñíguez García, Fernando

Pereñíguez García, Fernando

Electronics, Computer Technology and Projects

Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadores y Proyectos


PARALLEL DATA PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Wednesday - 11:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office 20 Será necesario pedir cita previa por correo electrónico a fernando.pereniguez@upct.es

Pérez Berenguer, Daniel

Pérez Berenguer, Daniel

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


SOFTWARE PROJECTS Master's degree in Telematic Engineering
DATABASES I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Monday - 09:00 / 12:00 ELDI, Floor 2, Room CPCD - I+D+i
Wednesday - 09:00 / 12:00 ELDI, Floor 2, Room CPCD - I+D+i

Periago Esparza, Francisco

Periago Esparza, Francisco

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística

f.periago@upct.es 968338909


OPTIMISATION II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
LINEAR ALGEBRA Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Tuesday - 10:30 / 13:30 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B036
Thursday - 12:00 / 14:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B036

Quesada Pereira, Fernando Daniel

Quesada Pereira, Fernando Daniel

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


COMMUNICATION THEORY Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
COMMUNICATION THEORY Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
DATA VISUALISATION Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
SATELLITE AND TERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATIONS Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems

Office Hours

Monday - 16:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Laboratory Despacho 3 Se podrán realizar tutorías online mediante cita previa a través de Microsoft Teams
Wednesday - 10:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 1, Office Despacho 3 Se podrán realizar las tutorías en modalidad online tras cita previa mediante Microsoft Teams.

Rosique Contreras, María Francisca

Rosique Contreras, María Francisca

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


PROGRAMMING FOR TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Tuesday - 10:00 / 12:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office Despacho profesora
Wednesday - 17:00 / 19:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office Despacho profesora

Rubio Aparicio, Jesús

Rubio Aparicio, Jesús

Electronics, Computer Technology and Projects

Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadores y Proyectos


DATA STRUCTURES Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Ruiz Abellón, María Carmen

Ruiz Abellón, María Carmen

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística


STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND TIME SERIES Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Monday - 16:00 / 20:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B030 Las tutorías se realizarán online a través de Teams. Los estudiantes interesados en realizar una tutoría deberán contactar con la profesora mediante correo electrónico para acordar día y hora.
Wednesday - 12:00 / 14:00 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B030 Las tutorías se realizarán online a través de Teams. Los estudiantes interesados en realizar una tutoría deberán contactar con la profesora mediante correo electrónico para acordar día y hora.

Sánchez Palma, Pedro

Sánchez Palma, Pedro

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


PROGRAMMING FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
DATABASES I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Sancho Gómez, José Luis

Sancho Gómez, José Luis

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering
MACHINE LEARNING I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
DEEP LEARNING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Sanmartín Fita, María Pilar

Sanmartín Fita, María Pilar

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Matemática Aplicada y Estadística


STATISTICS Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
STATISTICS Bachelor's degree in Telematic Engineering

Office Hours

Tuesday - 12:00 / 13:30 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B034
Friday - 09:00 / 13:30 HOSPITAL DE MARINA, Floor 0, Office B034

Santa Lozano, José

Santa Lozano, José

Electronics, Computer Technology and Projects

Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadores y Proyectos

jose.santa@upct.es 868071063


DATA STRUCTURES Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

Tuesday - 11:00 / 13:00 ANTIGONES, Floor 2, Office nº 4 Será necesario pedir cita previa por correo electrónico a jose.santa@upct.es

Terroso Sáenz, Fernando

Terroso Sáenz, Fernando

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


PROGRAMMING FOR DATA SCIENCE Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ALGORITHMS Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DATABASE II Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Verdú Monedero, Rafael

Verdú Monedero, Rafael

Information and Communication Technologies

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones


MACHINE LEARNING I Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
IMAGE PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Systems
ACOUSTIC SIGNALS AND IMAGES PROCESSING Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.